CBD Oil Has Benefits, Depending on the CBD

Written by

Lee Johnson

Lee Johnson is the senior editor at CBD Oracle, and has been covering science, vaping and cannabis for over 10 years. He has a MS in Theoretical Physics from Uppsala...

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Hemp CBD oil bottle

CBD oil gets a lot of attention these days. While states continue to come around to medical cannabis overall as a concept, CBD in particular has started to take the focus away from THC and other cannabinoids.

Since it brings medical benefits for some conditions without making you “high,” and with very few (and rare) side effects, the compound is one of the most promising avenues for cannabis as medicine.

But what is CBD useful for? What are the side effects? How does it make you feel?

There is a lot to learn before you take the leap into the world of CBD oil, but this guide gives you the ultimate crash course.


  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is federally legal (in 47 states) with 0.3% THC or less.
  • CBD is the main non-psychoactive “cannabinoid” found in the cannabis plant, and CBD oil is cannabis oil with only trace amounts of THC but lots of CBD, as well as other cannabinoids and terpenes.
  • CBD oil isn’t addictive, doesn’t cause withdrawal symptoms and is effectively impossible to overdose on. There is no evidence of public health issues with pure CBD.
  • CBD has many potential and confirmed medical benefits, particularly for some seizure disorders, sleep disorders, pain management, acne, anxiety, depression, nausea and vomiting, among many others.
  • Side effects of CBD are rare and generally mild, but include tiredness, diarrhea and changes in weight.
  • CBD can interact with other medications in the same way as grapefruit (partly due to terpenes).
  • CBD oil can be taken orally, sublingually (i.e. under the tongue), vaped or even made into topical and applied to the skin. Vaping or taking sublingually produces the quickest effects.
  • “Full-spectrum” CBD oil contains all cannabinoids (including THC) and terpenes, “broad-spectrum” contains everything but THC, and “isolate” is pure CBD.

9 Benefits of CBD Oil (Cannabidiol)

There are a huge range of potential CBD oil benefits, but some in particular have evidential support and attract a large number of people to CBD.

1. CBD Can Help With Rare Epileptic Conditions

The most well-known benefit of CBD oil comes for a couple of rare epileptic conditions that affect children, Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

These conditions often don’t respond to anti-seizure medications, but CBD has been shown to dramatically reduce the number of seizures and in some cases, completely stop them.

The most famous case is that of Charlotte Figi, who even has a strain of high-CBD cannabis named after her, and was featured in a documentary by CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

The effectiveness of CBD for these conditions has led the FDA to approve a cannabis-derived, CBD medicine Epidiolex for the conditions. This approval was largely based on three randomized controlled trials that used the medication alongside other standard treatments, showing a benefit across the 516 patients included.

Although the number of people affected by these conditions is quite low, this is the area with the strongest evidence-base in support of CBD.

2. It Reduces Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a hugely common problem, and relieving it is one of the oldest-known medicinal uses of cannabis, as well as the most common reason people give for using it today.

Over time, with more research having been conducted on the effect of cannabinoids on pain, scientists have found further evidence that cannabinoids help with pain in many different situations.

Broadly speaking, while more evidence would be useful – particularly concerning long-term use – the evidence does support the use of cannabinoids for pain relief.

Pain is one of the areas where THC and CBD both show evidence, though, and so it’s worth considering products containing both if you’re interested in using CBD oil for pain.

For example, Sativex, a spray containing both CBD and THC, was approved for the treatment of neuropathic pain (as is common in multiple sclerosis) in Canada in 2005, and a couple of years later for cancer pain.

CBD, in particular, helps with pain through the stimulation of endocannabinoid receptors, which reduces inflammation as well as impacting neurotransmitters.

Generally speaking, though, outside of combinations with THC, most of the evidence on CBD for chronic pain comes from animal studies, although there is anecdotal evidence for the same effects in humans.

Cancer pain, neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia are among the more well-supported uses of CBD for pain.

3. CBD Oil May Ease Anxiety, PTSD and Depression

Anxiety and depression are the two most common mental health conditions, with depression being the single largest contributor to disability worldwide.

While traditional medications used for these conditions can cause a wide range of side effects, there is some evidence that CBD could help while only posing a tiny risk of side effects.

Some human studies have shown “CBD may also decrease the intensity and impact of symptoms commonly associated with PTSD, including chronic anxiety in stressful environments.” Put simply, CBD inhibits your GABA (anxiety, PTSD source) receptors. 

Others have shown it’s also helpful to Generalized and Social Anxiety Disorders.

One of the most well-known studies in this area involved a simulated public speaking test, looking at 57 healthy participants. The individuals were randomized to receive either CBD or a placebo 90 minutes before the public speaking test, and the results showed that those receiving 300 mg of CBD (but not 150 or 600 mg) experienced less anxiety during the speech, compared to those receiving the placebo.

In addition, CBD’s ability to interact with the brain’s serotonin receptors has led to interest in its ability to help with depression. Evidence in support of this only comes in the form of animal studies, but many people use CBD for this purpose and claim it is an effective treatment.

Chemotherapy is an effective treatment for cancer, but it causes many problems for patients including severe nausea and vomiting. Patients can’t really stop this in most cases, and it’s just something doctors have to manage so you can continue reaping the benefits of the treatment. That’s why finding a viable treatment for things like the nausea and vomiting is a crucial concern in cancer treatment, especially something unlikely to lead to side effects on its own.

One study of cannabis-based medicines for chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting looked at 16 patients, who were randomized to either receive a combination of THC and CBD or a placebo in addition to standard antiemetic treatment. The results showed that those treated with the cannabis-based medicine were much more likely to see a reduction in their nausea and vomiting compared to those who took the placebo.

The evidence so far suggests that CBD only works for nausea and vomiting in a limited dosage range, but it is still effective, and with so few side effects it’s a viable treatment option in many cases.

5. CBD Could Reduce Acne

Acne is a very common problem, caused by a wide range of factors and with quite a big selection of potential treatments.

There is evidence that both CBD itself and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids could be effective treatments for the condition.

One study showed that CBD applied to sebocytes (in a cultured tissue sample) prevented the cells from secreting too much sebum, which is one of the major factors that cause acne.

However, the most commonly-cited explanation for CBD’s effectiveness for treating acne is its anti-inflammatory property. Inflammation is another of the most common causes for acne, so being able to reduce this as well as limited sebum production makes CBD a potentially very effective treatment for acne.

Other cannabinoids such as CBC, CBDV and THCV could also be effective acne treatments based on similar effects.

6. CBD (With Other Cannabinoids) May Help with Sleep Issues & Insomnia

There has been a lot of interest in the potential of cannabis to help with sleep disorders and insomnia, but so far the picture appears to be complex.

This is summarized perfectly by a study in which 8 volunteers were given either a placebo, 15 mg of THC, 5 mg of CBD and 5 mg of THC, or 15 mg of CBD and 15 mg of THC on different days. The study basically found that while THC has sedative properties, CBD appears to be mildly alerting, increasing the participants’ awake activity. 

However, other research has shown that the picture is more complex than this. Some self-report, studies, for example, suggest that CBD used long-term improves sleep quality.

The most compelling evidence comes from studies where CBD was combined with small amounts of THC.

One study saw positive impacts with a 2 mg to 2 mg mix of THC and CBD, and another found that cannabis with more CBD increased sleepiness. The evidence seems to suggest that a dose mixture like that found in full-spectrum CBD extracts can help with sleep, but it’s unclear whether this is partly due to THC, or largely the “entourage effect” in combination with CBD.

Due to THC content being 0.3% or less in CBD oils, it’s likely the wider range of cannabinoids (including CBD itself) play a bigger role in aiding sleep. Cannabigerol (CBN) at roughly 1% is also known for its sedative effects.

By relieving anxiety and stress via the aforementioned GABA neurotransmitter, we could see CBD oils and their cannabinoids potentially aiding sleep by ‘calming’ the mind.

7. CBD Could Help Reduce Substance Abuse

You might be surprised to learn that CBD, a substance literally found in a potentially addicting drug, can help with substance abuse, but the evidence is pretty positive despite some limitations. Because CBD is non-addictive and non-psychoactive, but still interacts with several neurotransmitters involved in addiction, so it might be helpful for people struggling with addiction. 

Broadly speaking, the evidence shows that CBD could help with cannabis, tobacco, opioid, cocaine and psychostimulant addiction more generally.

Although more research is needed, especially for opioid, cocaine and psychostimulant addiction (where the most available studies were conducted in animals), there is a lot of potential for benefit thanks to the excellent safety profile of CBD and it’s general effectiveness.

More recent studies in humans for cocaine, meth and opioids show positive results, but there is still a lot of uncertainty.

8. Some Evidence Suggests CBD Helps with Pediatric Insomnia and Anxiety

Along with the probable benefits of CBD for both anxiety and (in combination with THC) insomnia, a case report also suggests a benefit in a case of insomnia and anxiety in a young patient with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The young girl in question saw improvements in both anxiety and sleep quantity and quality after starting to use CBD oil. However, beyond this evidence is very limited.

9. CBD Could Help With Other Conditions Too

There are tons of other conditions that could potentially be helped by CBD.

These include anti-psychotic effects which could help people suffering from conditions like schizophrenia, anti-tumor effects (shown in test tube and animal models), potentially helping to reduce high blood pressure, as well as the potential to help people with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

The Side Effects of CBD Oil

Anything that can have desired effects can also have side effects, and CBD is no exception to this rule. The good news is that the side effects commonly attributed to cannabidiol are mild and generally rare.

1. CBD Can Cause Drowsiness and Fatigue

Drowsiness is a commonly-reported side effect of CBD, with a related side effect fatigue also being reported fairly regularly.

These are really to be expected if you know about the effects of CBD and cannabis, and it’s kind of unavoidable given the degree of relaxation you expect from both.

Depending on what you’re using CBD for, this could be something of an issue, but if you’re using it for something like anxiety it’s essentially the intended effect of the oil.

2. Diarrhea Can be a Side Effect

Studies of CBD’s medical potential often uncover diarrhea as a side effect.

For example, in one study looking at the effectiveness of CBD in childhood and young adult epilepsy found that around 17 percent of the 137 participants reported diarrhea (in contrast, 21 percent reported tiredness).

Another similar study found that 19 percent of participants reported this as a side effect, however, this study didn’t have a control group so it’s difficult to say how much can be attributed to CBD.

3. Changes in Appetite and Weight

Cannabis’ well-known effects on appetite (i.e. “the munchies”) make it pretty clear that cannabinoids can have an impact on appetite and weight.

The research on CBD might surprise you a little, though, because the most commonly-reported side effect relating to this is a reduction in appetite rather than an increase.

For example, in the study mentioned in the previous section, 16 percent of the participants reported a reduction in appetite. Another study – the one with no control group – saw 19 percent of participants report the same side effect.

You Can’t Overdose on CBD

There have never been a case of overdose on CBD, and generally it’s not considered to be practically possible.

Research shows that doses of up to 1,500 mg per day don’t cause people any problems, even over long-term, ongoing use.

Based on research in monkeys in particular, scientists estimate that for an average, 75 kg adult, it would take around 18,750 mg of CBD (taken in a short space of time) to pose a risk to their life. This might be technically possible, but it’s unrealistic that you’d be able to consume that much CBD without falling asleep.

CBD isn’t Addictive

Given that CBD doesn’t produce the “high” you associate with cannabis, it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that CBD isn’t addictive in the same way THC can be.

One randomized controlled trial looked at 31 healthy, frequent users of cannabis, who were either given oral CBD (or a placebo) alone or in combination with smoked cannabis. The doses used in the study varied from the placebo dose up to 800 mg.

The results showed that while cannabis produced the subjective effects you would associate with drugs of abuse, CBD was no different to the placebo on these measures.

This strongly implies that CBD doesn’t have any potential for abuse. Of course, without psychoactive effects, there is essentially no way for the brain to become addicted to the effect of the substance. It simply isn’t a “drug” in the traditional sense of the word, it’s just found in the same plant as one.

There are No Withdrawal Symptoms After Long-Term CBD Use

With no signs of addiction reported from use of CBD products, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that there are no reports of withdrawal symptoms following stopping using CBD, even after long-term use.

This follows on from the previous section, because without impacts on neurotransmitter levels that would lead to addiction, there is nothing to create the withdrawal symptoms associated with long-term use of drugs.

In fact, CBD has even been used to treat the withdrawal symptoms caused by the THC in cannabis.

CBD Oil Uses

The uses of CBD oil are wide and varied, but broadly speaking they follow the known benefits of CBD. That means the most common uses include:

  • Chronic pain (especially neuropathic or inflammatory pain)
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep
  • PTSD
  • Depression
  • Seizure conditions
  • Chemotherapy related nausea and vomiting
  • Acne
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Substance abuse treatment

CBD Interacts with Other Drugs a Bit Like Grapefruit

CBD can have interactions with other drugs, so it’s important to consult a doctor and do your research before you start using CBD.

Cannabidiol interacts with drugs through the same mechanism that grapefruit juice does, interfering with cytochromes P450, which are enzymes crucial to the metabolism of drugs.

This basically means that you shouldn’t take CBD with any medications that include the “grapefruit warning.” These include:

  • Antibiotics
  • Antimicrobials
  • Antihistamines
  • Anti-epileptic drugs
  • Blood pressure medicines
  • Blood thinners
  • Cholesterol medications
  • Corticosteroids
  • Erectile dysfunction medicines
  • Medications to treat GERD or nausea
  • Heart rhythm medications
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Mood medications
  • Pain medications
  • Prostate medications

Research looking at specific drugs is still underway, but in this case it’s definitely better to err on the side of caution and make sure you stay safe.

CBD Oil is Relaxing, but it Doesn’t Get You High

CBD oil doesn’t get you high.

THC is the primary psychoactive cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, while CBD is a non-psychoactive component that interacts with the same receptors.

The end result is that CBD doesn’t produce a “high,” but it does cause some of the effects you might associate with being high, in particular relaxation and a general calmness. It’s kind of hard to describe if you aren’t familiar with the effects of cannabis, but basically it brings the relaxing, soothing effects without the giddiness, talkativeness or other aspects of the “high.”

If you’re familiar with cannabis, you’ll probably be surprised at the amount of the “high” that’s replicated by CBD, but you definitely don’t get the same effect.

CBD is Effective and Dependable

CBD is effective in terms of producing its known effects efficiently and fairly quickly.

The specifics depend a lot on the condition or purpose you’re using it for and the dosage, but overall, for the conditions listed above or just general relaxation, CBD is effective.

The Time it Takes to Feel the Effects Varies, but Less Than 30 Minutes is Common

The time it takes for the effects of CBD to kick in depends heavily on how you consume it. Something called the “first pass effect” causes the main difference.

In other words, the CBD has to pass through the digestive tract when you consume it orally, and then go through a “first pass” in the liver, which takes time and reduces the concentration that ends up in your blood.

  1. Inhalation: Inhaling CBD through a vape pen or something similar will produce the quickest effects from CBD. This is because the CBD goes directly to your bloodstream and you will feel the effects essentially instantaneously, or at least within a few minutes.
  2. Sublingual: Taking CBD sublingually means putting the oil, tincture or spray under your tongue and allow it to be absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the capillaries there. This approach can also produce essentially instantaneous effects for some users, but in practice it will probably take 15 to 60 minutes before you really feel it.
  3. Oral: If you consume CBD orally, meaning swallowing a capsule, edible or some other CBD product, the CBD has to be digested before you absorb it into your blood. This includes the first pass effect, and it’s also affected by whether you’ve eaten recently. On an empty stomach, you can feel the effects within 30 minutes, but if you’ve eaten a meal before it can take between one and two hours for it to kick in.
  4. Topical: If you’re using a CBD topical applied directly to the skin, the time it takes to feel the effects can vary quite a lot, depending on the effect you’re looking for. If you’re looking for inflammation-reducing or pain-relieving at the site of application, it can happen very quickly, but for other effects (e.g. stress reduction) it could take much longer or never really have the effect you’re looking for.

The Effects of CBD Last Up to 6 Hours

Much like the time for the effects of CBD to kick in, the amount of time the effects will last depends on how you take it and several other factors that can be hard to estimate. However, as a general rule you can expect CBD to last between 2 and 6 hours, or maybe a little longer.

Generally speaking, ingesting CBD or taking it sublingually will produce the longest-lasting effects, with up to 6 hours or slightly longer being normal.

If you inhale CBD through vaping or even smoking, the effects hit you quicker but will also fade quicker, probably stopping around 2 to 3 hours after you take it.

Again, though, this varies based on a lot of things, including your body’s metabolism, so the best idea is to experiment and you’ll get a better idea of what the answer is for you specifically.

Of course, taking larger doses can produce longer-lasting effects, so keep this in mind too.

Twice a Day is Common, But You Can Find Your Own CBD Dosing Schedule

How often you should take CBD for optimal benefits depends on what you’re using it for and your personal experience with CBD.

Generally speaking, taking it twice a day is good for most people, with one dose being OK for others too. If you find that two doses aren’t enough, then you might increase up to four times a day.

Of course, if you’re vaping CBD, you can essentially dose as-needed throughout the day. The effects are basically instantaneous and fade more quickly than when you take it in other ways. Whereas if you ingest CBD or take it sublingually, the one-to-two doses per day advice above is likely the best way to go.

But it’s important to stress that you should take CBD however works for you.

It isn’t a dangerous substance that you have to worry about overdosing on or anything like that, so you can freely find a dosing regimen that works for you. Many people like to take one dose in the morning and another in the evening, but if you find another approach that’s more convenient for you or works better, go for it.

Start with a Dose of Between 20 and 40 mg per Day

Finding the right dosage of CBD for you isn’t as simple as you might expect. Looking at the research on CBD makes it quite clear that there isn’t a “recommended” dosage, and studies use anything from 20 to 1,500 mg per day.

Of course, if you have more body weight than average or you’re tolerant to CBD, a larger dose is likely to be a good idea, but at the same time there are a multitude of reasons you might do better with a smaller dose.

To start with, a dose of 20 to 40 mg per day is generally a good idea.

You can get more detailed recommendations based on your body weight and the severity of your symptoms, but 20 mg is a good estimate for average body weight and moderate-strength symptoms. Of course, if you have more severe symptoms or you weigh more, start closer to 40 mg. 

Once you’ve tried this dosage for between a few days and a week, if you don’t feel that it’s alleviating your symptoms, increase the dose by 5 mg.

Continue in this way until you start to feel relief. Taking it steady like this is the best idea because there’s no point in using more than you need to relieve your symptoms – if anything, it will make your CBD stretch further and get you more for your money.

What to Look for When Buying a CBD Product

Unfortunately, not all CBD products on the market are equally safe and effective, and so it’s important to be informed before you make your purchase. The good news is that the main things to look out for are pretty straightforward.

  1. Full Spectrum vs. Broad Spectrum vs. Isolate: These three terms tell you how many additional components are in the product alongside CBD. Isolate is just pure, “isolated” CBD. On the other end, full spectrum CBD products contain all of the chemicals found in the plant, including THC and other cannabinoids, as well as terpenes (which give the smell) and essential oils. Broad spectrum is very similar to this, but it doesn’t contain THC, and so it’s often a better choice if THC isn’t legal in your state and you’re worried about drug tests.
  2. The Importance of the Entourage Effect: The choice between full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate basically comes down to the entourage effect as well as smell/taste. CBD alone (isolate) will have positive effects, but many users report better effects when it’s allowed to work with other cannabinoids in a synergistic manner. In short, the “entourage” of different cannabinoids can improve the effectiveness of CBD beyond the sum of the parts. This is why having THC in your CBD oil is a good idea if you aren’t taking legal risks in doing so.
  3. The Amount of Cannabinoids Present: One of the most important things about any CBD product is how much CBD it contains and how many other cannabinoids. The amount of CBD in the oil, liquid or edible is vital information for dosing purposes (and this will be indicated on the package), but because of the entourage effect it’s a good idea to know the quantities of other cannabinoids too. Many reputable companies will offer lab test results (COA) where you can see exactly how much of each cannabinoid is present in the final mix.
  4. Avoid “Hemp Oil”: One of the more confusing elements of shopping for CBD oil is the conflation of CBD oil and “hemp oil.” The confusion comes from the fact that most genuine CBD oil is in fact derived from hemp, but hemp oil technically refers to hemp seed oil, which contains almost no cannabidiol. So don’t buy hemp oil under the impression that it’s actually CBD oil.
  5. Extraction Methods: There are a few different ways CBD can be extracted, but the key thing to note is that CO2 extraction is generally the most reliable method. Unlike butane or other hydrocarbon-based extraction methods, it has essentially no risk of leaving dangerous remnants in the final mix.

Try Your First CBD Either Orally or Sublingually (or Vape it!)

Choosing a delivery method for your CBD definitely isn’t an exact science. Personal preference plays such a big role that it’s pretty much impossible to give one answer that suits everyone. But if you’re brand new to CBD and you have no experience with any of the ways you can take it, some are better to start with than others.

If you don’t smoke or vape, it’s best to start with an oil you can take sublingually or an edible. This is simply because there is no real need to involve your lungs in the process of taking CBD if you don’t especially want to. Additionally, taking CBD by keeping some drops under your tongue is an effective and long-lasting way to take your dose.

If you do smoke or vape, vaping CBD is a solid choice for the first time. Although it’s hard to precisely dose this way, the effects come on much quicker and it will give you a better idea of what CBD is like. You can easily take a little more if you want more of an effect, and it’s easy to stop when you’ve had enough.

However, if you’re looking for localized relief from something like inflammation, it makes sense to go right for the topical products best for your purposes.

CBD Vape Oil Side Effects

Generally speaking, the (rare and minor) side effects of CBD are the same regardless of how you consume it. However, for vaping specifically you may also experience some coughing as you get used to inhaling the CBD vape oil.

Vaping CBD isn’t 100% Safe

One common piece of wisdom is that inhaling anything that isn’t air isn’t good for you, and this rings true.

While vaping CBD isn’t super-dangerous in the same way smoking is, it’s very likely that there are some risks that come with the practice. In truth, we don’t really know what they are at this point – because people haven’t been vaping CBD for very long – and they probably won’t be severe, but there will probably be some impact on your lungs if you vape CBD long-term.

There are many aspects to this issue and you shouldn’t take this as a clear-cut statement in either direction. If you would otherwise smoke cannabis for your CBD, vaping is definitely a preferable option. But if you wouldn’t vape or smoke otherwise, it’s better to avoid starting.

But Vaping CBD is an Effective Way to Dose

The good news is that vaping CBD does get the compound into your blood effectively, and if it offers relief where nothing else does, you might find it to be worth the risk. This is a decision that only you can make, but rest assured that vaping CBD does “work” in simple terms.

Safety Tips for Vaping CBD

If you want to vape CBD but minimize the risks, there are a few things you can do.

  1. Vape Less of Higher-Strength Liquids: The risks ultimately come from how much you inhale. So if you’re going to vape, it’s better to vape a smaller amount of higher-strength liquid.
  2. Avoid Flavorings: Although flavored vaping products are nicer, we simply don’t know the risks of inhaling flavoring compounds, even though they’re known to be completely safe when eaten. But inhalation is very different and ultimately a new phenomenon for food flavorings. So choosing unflavored products is likely to be safer.
  3. Beware of “Dry Hits”: If you vape a lot or at very high settings, the wick material doesn’t have as much time to replenish with liquid. This leads to overheating, and the propylene glycol or glycerin in the CBD vape liquid can degrade into chemicals like formaldehyde. This produces a distinctive (and disgusting) taste, though, so you will be able to tell if this is happening and stop vaping.

There Isn’t a Huge Difference Between CBD Edibles and CBD Oil

There are very few differences between CBD edibles and oil, but it isn’t completely the same.

The major factor is the “first pass effect.” If you consume CBD in edible form or simply swallow the oil, it will go through your digestive tract and be processed by your liver, too. This reduces the amount of CBD that makes it to your bloodstream (which is where you’re trying to get it).

So if you use CBD oil sublingually, you allow it to absorb through your mouth lining directly into your blood. This avoids the first pass effect and so you’ll get more out of the CBD you take.

This all said, edibles and oil have more similarities than differences. You’re still consuming the same substance, they’re both low-risk and you use them both for the same things.

You Can Smoke CBD Flower, But There are Risks

CBD flower is also available, and so you can smoke it in the same way you would with cannabis. However, there are – of course – risks to smoking anything, and CBD is no exception.

If you want to consume CBD this way, and you enjoy it, then absolutely go for it, but we wouldn’t exactly recommend it because of the risks it brings.

Benefits of Cannabinoids in General

Cannabidiol (CBD) isn’t the only cannabinoid with medical benefits. It gets a lot of the attention because it’s non-psychoactive and available legally in most of the world, but many of the benefits of medical marijuana are actually related to THC and other cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids you’ll generally find in full-spectrum oils and their respective benefits:

(THC less than 0.3%)

Many of the benefits listed for CBD above, in particular, pain management, relief from nausea and vomiting, reducing spasticity in multiple sclerosis and changes in appetite and weight are also linked to THC.

Additionally, many other cannabinoids may play a role in the benefits for acne.

On top of this, things like glaucoma, inflammatory bowel disease, tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease and many other issues may be helped by cannabinoids.

There is also some evidence of anti-tumor effects, although these tend to be limited to test tube and animal research findings and may not always translate to human patients.

CBD Oil, Hemp Oil and Marijuana Oil Aren’t the Same Thing

If you’re interested in trying CBD oil or some other cannabis oil product, it’s important to be clear on the distinctions between the different options.

In short, there are differences between CBD oil, hemp oil and marijuana oil, even though the terms may be used interchangeably sometimes.

  • Hemp oil, as we mentioned earlier, is derived from hemp seeds and as such doesn’t contain many cannabinoids at all. This is essentially a dietary product and you won’t see any of the benefits listed in this article because the amount of cannabinoids is very low.
  • CBD oil has been the main focus of this post, and basically refers to oil that contains primarily CBD with smaller amounts of other cannabinoids. This offers the benefits of CBD with only rare side effects, and with a broad or full spectrum extraction you can gain many of the benefits of other cannabinoids too.
  • Marijuana oil works in the same way except the focus is on THC rather than CBD (although it contains both), so you’ll enjoy many of the same benefits, although it’s not as widely-available (or legal) as CBD oil and has more potential side effects.

In short, if you want the benefits of cannabidiol, CBD oil is your best approach, but for THC you should go with marijuana oil.


Overall, CBD oil has many more benefits than it does downsides, and scientists are still investigating other potential benefits even now.

You have to know what you’re buying and go through a little bit of trial-and-error to find the dose that works for your needs, but after a few weeks of use you’ll be right at home with CBD. This is truly the age of CBD, and you won’t regret getting in on the ground floor.

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