Facts You Don’t Know About CBD

Written by

Mell Green

Mell is a cannabis connoisseur who has been published in nearly 50 online publications surrounding cannabis, including Cannabis Industry Association, Analytical Cannabis, Terpenes and Testing Magazine, Plant People, Byrdie, and...

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You’ve probably heard of CBD and the cannabis plant that it comes from. Most people are aware of some of CBD’s beneficial properties, but, beyond that, a lot of the CBD compound remains a mystery.

To give you a bit more knowledge about this interesting cannabinoid, we’ve listed five facts you probably don’t know about CBD, but definitely should. (We may be a little biased, but we do think it’s a pretty cool substance.) There’s a lot you may not know about CBD: We’ve listed five unknown facts about the cannabinoid.


  • CBD has been used for thousands of years within medicine, food, and drink. 
  • CBD that has been derived from hemp is federally legal thanks to the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill. 3 States; Idaho, South Dakota and Nebraska have banned it at the State level.
  • CBD has therapeutic properties that are wonderful for the skin, as well as for pain and anxiety.
  • The human body naturally produces its own cannabinoids – called an Endocannabinoid System (ECS).
  • CBD oil and hemp oil are two totally different substances that shouldn’t be talked about interchangeably.

CBD Facts

1. CBD was first used thousands of years ago

Even though it has recently exploded in popularity, especially within the health and wellness industry, CBD has actually been utilized for centuries. 

CBD use in ancient china

Though they didn’t have the proper knowledge nor extraction processes to consciously know they were consuming CBD, people in ancient Chinese societies would extract the oils from hemp and enjoy them for their medicinal, supportive properties. Unknowingly, they were enjoying the benefits of CBD along with other synergistic phytochemicals. 

Just because we see it in fancy tinctures and infused into edibles doesn’t mean it is brand new– CBD’s been appreciated for years!

2. Hemp-derived CBD oil is federally legal

Back in 2018, the United States passed a law legalizing the cultivation of the hemp plant.

The 2018 Farm Bill stated that as long as the plant contains less than 0.3% THC, it is considered hemp and it is legal to grow and harvest. 

So, with hemp being federally legal, hemp-derived CBD oil is, too. Hemp-derived CBD oil will always ensure less than 0.3% THC, giving you the reassurance that you won’t feel intoxicated from it.

In fact, this lack of psychoactive effects is one of the main reasons the hemp plant was legalized in the first place.

3. CBD can be great for the skin

Most people are aware of CBD’s benefits for the mind and body, primarily helping with pain and anxiety. But, did you know that CBD is actually great for the skin, too?

CBD topicals like face masks, lotions, salves, and serums are all quickly gaining popularity for their natural ingredients and gentle results.

Woman applying CBD oil to face
Applying CBD oil to help repair skin and moisturize. Photo: Lord Jones

When applied topically, CBD’s properties work to help repair the skin, moisturize, and even prevent sebum production, potentially helping to fight acne and breakouts.

Plus, CBD is great for sensitive skin that can’t handle the harsh chemicals of typical beauty products. 

4. You produce cannabinoids, too!

Even in our toughest biology classes, we’re often not taught that we make cannabinoids, too. Just as the cannabis plant produces cannabinoids like CBD, your body produces endocannabinoids (“endo” meaning internal).

In fact, your body actually contains an entire system for these chemicals called the endocannabinoid system, or ECS for short.

The ECS is responsible for a huge range of biological functions within the body, ranging from mood and appetite to pain and immune function. 

When your body struggles to produce these endocannabinoids on its own, CBD is able to help aid in the production of such chemicals, helping you achieve the levels you need. 

5. CBD oil and hemp oil are not the same 

When shopping, you’ll find products that are made from CBD oil and products that are made from hemp oil: these are not the same! Though they seem similar, they’re two completely extracts.

CBD oil is an oil that has been derived from either the hemp or marijuana plant and comes exclusively from the plant’s flowers and leaves. CBD oil can be found in tinctures, capsules, or within edibles. 

Hemp oil, on the other hand, is an oil that has been extracted exclusively from the hemp plant’s seeds. The result is a fatty-rich oil full of antioxidants that’s ideal within cooking.

Though both have their own beneficial effects, CBD oil and hemp oil create quite the juxtaposition. Use them interchangeably and you’ll be quite disappointed one way or another.

Final Thoughts

Surprisingly, this is just the start of a few facts regarding CBD that most don’t seem to know. As popularity continues to rise and more research is conducted, we can only hope that more information comes to light and CBD education becomes commonplace.

But, until then, continue to do your own research about CBD and all of the other amazing, health-promoting cannabinoids the cannabis plant has. You never know what you might learn about your favorite green plant.

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