Top Myths About CBD

Written by

Mell Green

Mell is a cannabis connoisseur who has been published in nearly 50 online publications surrounding cannabis, including Cannabis Industry Association, Analytical Cannabis, Terpenes and Testing Magazine, Plant People, Byrdie, and...

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CBD, though incredibly popular, is quite misunderstood. The cannabinoid itself is complex and research surrounding it can be a bit muddied. Because of this, a few misconceptions surrounding CBD have started floating around the cannabis community. 

These myths are not only dangerous, but they create a false perspective about CBD that can ruin the experiences of many. Various misconceptions have arisen surrounding CBD, but we’re here to debunk them. The good and the bad.

First Glance:

  • Research suggests Cannabidiol (CBD) is effective in treating Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Insomnia, Arthritis, Chronic Pain, MS, Epilepsy (and more).
  • CBD does not get you high: it does not have psychoactive properties in the medical sense, but does in the sense it affects brain function (generally positively). 
  • CBD does have proven therapeutic potential, with one drug even being approved by the FDA for medical use. 
  • There are CBD spectrums that have varying potency, as well as Hemp(seed) Oil which doesn’t contain much CBD at all. All CBD is federally legal containing under 0.3% THC.
  • Not all CBD is the same; every product is made differently depending on manufacturers and their standards. As with any ‘medication’, CBD doesn’t work for everybody, either.
  • CBD does have a few negative side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, or sleepiness, when consumed in too high of doses.

Myth #1: CBD Can Get You High

Let’s set the record straight: CBD cannot get you high.

Illustration about CBD getting you high

CBD itself is a completely non-psychoactive chemical compound, meaning it does not contain the properties necessary to get you intoxicated. It’s not a psychoactive intoxicant. This may not be the case for all cannabinoids (particularly THC) but it certainly is true for CBD.

CBD even works with your body’s cannabinoid receptors in ways that would make it early impossible to get you high, anyway. Instead of binding directly to receptors, as THC does, CBD works with these receptors and other enzymes directly to help regulate production naturally. This is how CBD is able to help you feel better so effortlessly: it’s just working with what you already have!

Chart about CBD and other drugs

No matter how strong of CBD concentration you have in a product, and regardless of how you enjoy it, you will not get high from your cannabidiol.

Related: Does CBD Show Up in a Drug Test?

Myth #2: CBD Doesn’t Have Medicinal Potential 

While it may be true that there isn’t an abundance of research conducted on CBD and the human body, this doesn’t mean that CBD doesn’t have medicinal potential. 

Scientist studying medical potential of CBD plant

A few years back, the FDA approved the first-ever medication that included CBD. This drug, called Epidiolex, is designed to treat severe forms of epilepsy like Dravet’s syndrome. The approval of a drug such as this came after a child named Charlotte Figi found life-saving results from CBD after being diagnosed with an incurable form of epilepsy. 

With CBD, Charlotte went from having 300 grand-mal seizures a week to two or three per month. Results like these were undeniable, and the FDA began recognizing CBD’s medicinal potential for many health conditions including Charlotte’s.

Myth #3: All CBD is the Same

It’s a huge misconception that all CBD is the same. Every CBD product you try will be different from the next, as each product is treated differently by manufacturers and cultivators. 

Person holding a CBD oil product at a store

There’s also a notable difference with CBD Oil vs Hemp Oil. The latter containing around ⅕ of the CBD content. There is also Full-Spectrum, Broad-Spectrum and Isolate. The best plants tend to be grown in California, Colorado, or Oregon.

Factors such as extraction methods, where the hemp or cannabis was grown, how the cannabinoid was handled, and even the environmental factors within the facility all play huge parts in the production of CBD.

Because of this, every brand’s CBD is going to be slightly different from one other, despite being the same cannabinoid at the root. 

Always take the time to make sure your favorite CBD brand uses ingredients, processes, and extraction methods that you agree with, and only purchase the highest-quality CBD you can find. (Trust us, low-quality is out there.)

Be sure to look for a COA of lab tested quality.

Myth #4: CBD Works Perfectly for Everybody

Consumer using CBD oil extract

As much as we’d all love to think that CBD is the perfect solution to everyone’s problems, this simply isn’t the case. Just as not every medication works for every person, CBD isn’t going to work for everybody, either.

Anyone who claims that CBD is universal is not telling the truth, and they’re perpetuating a myth that’s long damaged the CBD industry. When you go in thinking you’ve found the silver bullet, and then nothing happens, you begin to wonder what’s wrong with you. 

In reality, CBD just doesn’t work for everyone. Though there’s a good chance you’ll find some benefits, there’s also a good chance your best friend won’t. CBD is not one-size-fits-all. 

Generally, people turn to CBD for relief from arthritis pains, insomnia, and even anxiety. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties can easily reduce pain in those suffering from arthritis, while simultaneously calming the body down enough to experience some much-needed sleep. CBD’s other calming properties are ideal for those with anxiety, as it can combat both the mental and physical symptoms with little to no side effects. 

Many have also found solace in turning to CBD for help with substance abuse-related complications. This cannabinoid has been found to help curb cravings as well as lower the anxiety that comes with getting sober. This makes the recovery process much more manageable, allowing individuals to truly feel like they’re in control again. 

Myth #5: CBD Has No Negative Side Effects

Person using a CBD oil tincture

Unfortunately, as gentle as it is, CBD can definitely cause negative side effects if you’re not careful. The misconception that CBD doesn’t have negative side effects often comes from the fact that you cannot overdose or become addicted to CBD; however, that does not mean you can’t have an uncomfortable experience. 

If too much CBD is consumed at once, there’s a chance you’ll experience increased fatigue, sleepiness, nausea, dizziness, or possibly anxiety. Typically, with proper dosage, these effects can be avoided, but for some, this is simply the result of CBD.

Related: Facts You Probably Don’t Know About CBD

Final Thoughts

With a compound as confusing as CBD, getting the facts straight is crucial in having the best experience possible. As this plant-derived cannabinoid is growing in popularity, understanding its true characteristics can be key when informing yourself and others. 

If you find yourself coming across some of these common myths, debunk them! CBD education is integral right now, and every person deserves to know the truth.