About CBD Oracle

CBD Oracle is a consumer research company working to improve the safety and transparency of cannabis products, producing in-depth research pieces on cannabis and cannabinoids, along with analysis of social and legal issues.

CBD Oracle is here to guide you through the ever-expanding landscape of hemp and cannabis. Whether you’re looking for expert guidance on the benefits and side effects of cannabinoids, breakdowns of current law and policy, real-world stories, or just first-hand product recommendations, we’re here to help. Our priority is giving consumers accurate information and empowering them to make their own decisions.

Creating a Safe and Transparent Market

CBD Oracle is working to create a safe and transparent marketplace for cannabis and hemp. There are a few reasons we do this. First and foremost, consumers of hemp and cannabis deserve the same safe, reliable products you’d find in other industries. Secondly, the cannabis industry needs the support and trust of policymakers, retail outlets and the public in order to survive and thrive. Finally, companies should be held to account for the claims and promises they make, and nobody should be convinced to buy products under false pretenses. We aim to help the industry by holding them to a high standard, through unbiased product reviews, independent investigation and honest, evidence-based analysis.

Product Research

Our team of product experts has conducted first-hand testing of over 1,000 products (and counting), combining hands-on experience with deeper analysis of lab reports and marketing to give consumers the full picture before they make a purchase. We only recommend the best products on the market.

Investigative Research

We regularly conduct independent investigations into the hemp and cannabis market, working with independent labs, scientists and legal experts to identify shortcomings of the market and make practical recommendations for improvement. Our work has been presented to committees in Congress and published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. We actively engage in conversations with policymakers about implementing sensible regulations across the industry and also engage with the industry to ensure their products are up to scratch. 

Evidence-Based Information

We are firm believers in the value of transparent and evidence-based information. If you present people with the facts, you empower them to make their own choices. We find original peer-reviewed research and work with leading scientific and medical experts to ensure that our informative posts about the benefits and side effects of cannabis and hemp are as accurate as possible. To date, we have published over 100 articles that have been fact-checked or medically reviewed by a qualified professional, and there are many more to come.

Our Mission

CBD Oracle’s mission is to advocate for access to safe, sensibly regulated cannabis and hemp products, investigate the benefits and side effects of cannabinoids, and to reach the people most in need of these products.

The War on Drugs Has Failed – and Destroyed Lives

The war on drugs has been raging for over 50 years and “victory” remains as elusive as ever. Drugs switch forms and find new sellers, and the true casualties of the war are ordinary Americans who use drugs, especially those in an ethnic minority. Nobody should be arrested for smoking marijuana, and even those who use “harder” drugs would benefit more from help and support than they would from punishment. Drugs have won the war and we have all lost. CBD Oracle is wholeheartedly dedicated to ending the unjust and unproductive war on drugs.

We’re Passionate About Healing & Helping

We’re here to help you heal. We stand at the intersection of the modern science of the West and the ancient wisdom of the East, advocating holistic healing which accounts for the mind, body, and spirit. All of this is geared towards one goal: helping you heal the cause of your illness rather than just managing the symptoms.

CBD Oracle believes in natural healing, tempered with a respect for evidence and the knowledge of modern science. Nature provides everything we need to heal, but not everything nature provides is good for healing. This is why we pore through studies and consult with experts before condensing what we’ve learned into actionable advice. 

If you’re looking for support for your condition and advice on what to try, we’re here to give you everything you need to make an informed decision. We’ll recommend specific products based on first-hand experience and give you a broader overview of the knowledge and evidence in support of our recommendations. 

If you’re in the media or the marijuana industry, our in-depth research collects the most important studies on specific topics to help you inform readers and consumers. We consult with medical professionals specializing in cannabis and base our recommendations on the highest-quality research available.

All of this is in support of the same goal: helping people heal using cannabis and hemp. 

Meet Our Team

Meet the scientific advisors, medical experts, and team behind the most trusted resource for cannabis.

Medical Review Panel

Our medical review panel is composed of medical doctors, scientists, cannabis coaches and therapists from research institutions, professional organizations and private practice. They care about helping people heal with cannabis, and they review and inform all of our content relating to science and medicine.

Read more about our Medical Review Panel.

Our legal review panel ensures that any legal content on CBD Oracle is accurate and up-to-date. They not only check our content for accuracy, but also guide our research on and interpretation of the often-nuanced laws surrounding hemp and cannabis.

Read more about our Legal Review Panel.

Expert Contributors

We cover a wide range of topics, so we aim to present a diverse range of expert viewpoints to both help us tackle niche areas and to give a broader, balanced perspective on more familiar ones. Our expert contributors consist of regular contributors whose insights continually support and inform the work we do at CBD Oracle.

Read more about our Expert Contributors.

Editorial Team

Our editorial team is composed of passionate editors, researchers, journalists, and budtenders who are committed to bringing you trusted information about cannabis.

Read more about our Editorial Team.

Editorial Policy

Our mission at CBD Oracle is to provide objective, reliable and science-based information to help people navigate the complex hemp and cannabis industry. Above all, we want to empower people to heal through natural and holistic approaches. Whether it’s through our reviews and product recommendations based on extensive first-hand testing or our articles based on in-depth research and vetted through a team of expert fact-checkers, our goal is to ensure that when you come to CBD Oracle, you know the content you’re about to read is dependable and accurate.

Read more about our Editorial Policy.

How We Test Products

We meticulously test every product we recommend on CBD Oracle. Our recommendations are based on first-hand experience, expert advice, and real user feedback. We compile objective and balanced opinions with scientifically-backed research, all written by experts who love the beauty of cannabis and its ability to heal your body.

Read more about our research methodology.

Advertising Policy

We only work with advertisers that match our values and that will provide value to our readers. We never write advertising content disguised as another type of content, and if we were ever to publish a piece of sponsored content, not only would it be clearly identified as such, it would only be published if it provided unique value to our readers (not the sponsor).

Read more about our advertising policy.

Affiliate Disclosure

CBD Oracle is an independent consumer research company, with a focus on honest, accurate and evidence-based reporting. We receive income from affiliate links in reviews and “best of” lists, but positive reviews or placement on any such list is never influenced by this income. Instead, we hope to inform consumers to the best of our ability and allow companies which produce good products to earn the sales they deserve. Any money we earn from this ultimately comes from the trust our readers place in us, and we have the utmost respect for that fact.

Likewise, we earn money from advertisements, but only accept advertisers relevant to our readers that are aligned with our values and never disguise advertisements as genuine content.

Read more about our advertising disclosure.

Editorial Independence

CBD Oracle receives partial funding from advertisers and affiliate commissions, but our content remains completely independent. Everything you read on CBD Oracle has been vetted for accuracy, integrity and overall quality, and no advertiser or sponsor is involved with this process. We will always publish factual information, regardless of how it may affect a sponsor or advertiser. 

On rare occasions, a sponsor may suggest general ideas for a piece of content, but the decision on whether to pursue it is ours alone, and they have no input on the process beyond the initial suggestion. Additionally, any content developed in collaboration with advertisers is explicitly identified as such.

In short, CBD Oracle remains completely editorially independent.

Privacy Policy

We value privacy. CBD Oracle is dedicated to protecting the privacy of readers. We never sell or share your information with anyone outside of our company. Read more about our privacy policy.

Terms of Use

All content on our site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Read more about our terms of use.

Connect With Us

We love hearing from readers. It helps us understand how we can improve to better meet the needs of the growing cannabis community. If you have a comment, question, or suggestion about our editorial policies or a specific piece of content on CBD Oracle, please reach out to us through our contact form or by emailing us directly at [email protected].

California Office

Mailing Address:

Oracle Media, LLC

Attn: CBD Oracle

17291 Irvine Blvd, Suite 420

Tustin, CA 92780

Follow Us

Follow us on social media for product tips, videos, and the latest articles.

Recent Press

Our objective is to produce insightful research that guides public health policy and educates consumers on the safe and responsible consumption of cannabinoid products. We value the efforts of our media partners in spreading our message and positively shaping a growing industry. See our most recent media features below. For press queries, you can reach us at [email protected].

  • USA Today: What looks like pot, acts like pot, but is legal nearly everywhere? Meet hemp-derived delta-9 THC.
  • NBC News: Over 1 in 10 high school seniors report using delta-8 THC
  • FOX News: Teen use of delta-8, an unregulated marijuana alternative, is rising
  • Los Angeles Times: 11% of high school seniors report using delta-8 THC, advertised as ‘legal’ form of cannabis
  • Axios: Legal cannabis sellers want Texas CBD market regulated
  • The Atlantic: Congress Accidentally Legalized Weed Six Years Ago
  • Business Insider: Cannabis Helps My Chronic Nerve Pain, but I Can’t Get It Where I Live
  • HuffPost: What Is Delta-8 THC And Why Are States Banning It?
  • Chicago Tribune: Craft cannabis growers try again to overcome industry opposition to expansion
  • The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Experts say ‘diet weed’ can be dangerous
  • Minnesota Public Radio: Minnesota cannabis regulator on what’s ahead for THC edibles
  • Forbes: Study: ‘Legal’ Hemp-Derived Delta-9 THC Edibles Are Mislabeled, Way Too Strong
  • Slate: A Legal-ish Way to Get Stoned Is on the Rise. Is It Legit?
  • Lifehacker: Do ‘Legal’ Weed Alternatives Really Work?
  • American Bar Association: Cannabis Mass Tort Litigation: What’s on the Horizon?
  • Mashed: 12 Canned Mocktails Ranked Worst To Best, According To Customers
  • TheStreet: Cannabis is Facing an Inflationary Buzz Kill
  • Thrillist: You Can Review Weed & Make $30K Working from Home Part-Time
  • The Week: The lows of an unregulated high: Teens are using marijuana alternative delta-8
  • Los Angeles Magazine: This Local Company Will Pay You to Test Cannabis Products
  • Canada.com: Want to get paid to smoke weed? Here’s a job for you
  • Leafly: This loophole makes hemp-derived delta-9 THC legit
  • High Times: False Dosage Labels on 96% of Tested Amazon Hemp Products, Many With No Hemp or CBD
  • NORML: Analysis: ‘Hemp Derived Delta-9-THC’ Products Seldom Come as Advertised
  • Cannabis Business Times: Amazon’s CBD, Hemp and Delta-8 Problem
  • Ganjapreneur: Review Finds Many Hemp and CBD Products Sold on Amazon Mislabeled
  • Brightfield Group: Delta-8 in Your State: Regulations & Trends
  • National Cannabis Industry Association: Where Is Delta-8 THC Legal and Where Is It Banned? CBD Oracle’s Map Has the Answers
  • National Hemp Association: CBD Oracle Says Amazon’s “Hemp” Market Deceives Consumers and Drags the Industry Through the Mud
  • GreenState: Is it legal to ship cannabis? The answer is more complicated than you’d think
  • Cannabis Tech: Can AI Technology Elevate M&A Deals in the Cannabis Industry?
  • Cannabis & Tech Today: The Benefits (and Essentiality) of Corporate Social Responsibility in Cannabis
  • Business of Cannabis: Over a third of US THC products too strong for legal sale
  • Green Market Report: Study: ‘Vast Majority’ of Hemp Delta-9 Goods Illegally Modified
  • The San Diego Union-Tribune: Opinion: Here’s how a policy loophole is leading to more poisonings from unregulated THC
  • Benzinga: E-Commerce Giants Exposed: ‘Hemp Gummies’ On Amazon Mask Unsafe Delta-8 THC Levels, New Report Reveals
  • Tampa Bay Times: Florida closes in on banning delta-8 hemp products
  • New Food Magazine: Metal contaminants frequently found in CBD products
  • Nutritional Outlook: Analysis from CBD Oracle suggests most CBD manufacturers make effort at transparency
  • Study Breaks: How To Tell Your Parents You Want To Major in Weed
  • National Law Review: Delta-9 THC Products from Hemp Are a Risk Not Worth Taking
  • The Texas Tribune: CBD, hemp, delta-8, medical marijuana: Here’s what you need to know about Texas’ pot laws
  • Mom.com: More Parents Are Using CBD: Here’s What You Need to Know
  • University of Washington: Substance Use Resources in Washington State
  • University of Michigan: Delta-8-THC use reported by 11% of 12th graders
  • American Anthropological Association: Consuming unregulated “diet weed”: The social context of motivations and risk among users of Delta-8 THC
  • European Respiratory Society: Weed, sex and influenza
  • Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research: What is Delta-8-Tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta-8 THC)?
  • Karger – Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids: Cannabidiol-Derived Cannabinoids: The Unregulated Designer Drug Market Following the 2018 Farm Bill
  • ScienceDirect: The U.S. hemp-derived cannabinoid industry and the potential of self-regulation: Using social media to assess an evolving health risk
  • National Academies: Cannabis Policy Impacts Public Health and Health Equity

Advertise With Us

CBD Oracle reaches a large audience of engaged consumers actively seeking cannabinoid products, making it a highly credible and impactful platform for advertisers. Interested in advertising with us? Email us at [email protected].